I Wrote a plugin that attaches a hook to the login page and adds custom CSS. The plugin can be administered from your admin menu “Settings/ASBRA Login Plugin”. Simply add your CSS rules and click the “Save Changes” button.
Category: PHP
I’m not a robot
Google has a nifty way of checking if you’re human or not. I wrote a PHP Class for verifying ReCaptcha v.2.
Sending Email from Chroot Environment
So you dont want to install the Sendmail daemon in every Chroot environment to be able to use the PHP mail() function? Of course not.. the simple solution is called mini_sendmail, it connects to localhost on port 25 to deliver the emails.
ObFusk – AES256 encrypted/obfuscated PHP Backdoor
I’ve been cleaning up lots of hacked wordpress sites lately and i thought i’d share my findings and also my attempt to refine this technique with AES-encryption instead of obfuscation
Minified Chroot for WordPress & Joomla with PHP FPM on Debian 9 Stretch
For months i was giving up on this project and used Debootstrap to get a 300Mb+ minbase version of debian, but… …i finally got it working and here is the code for a chroot under 50Mb.
PHP Class for generating unique non chronological ids from a number list This code is part of a larger project where we needed user ids that would be simple to remeber but hard to predict.