Ever had the need to publish a large set of HTML files, images and javascripts with transparent user management? My first thought was Basic Auth with htpasswd and htgroups, there’s even an SQL extension so this seems like a good solution, right?
Category: Security
LetsEncrypt SSL – All renewal attempts failed.
If you’re getting the following error it means that your certbot script is outdated.
ulogd2 – Netfilter logging
Syslog used to handle NetFilter logging and you had to write regexp rules to sort your firewall logs, like:
ABF – AsBraFirewall
Asbra Firewall is a combination of scripts and tools for Firewall configuration and Intrusion Detection (NIDS). It uses sqlite3 to save information on blocked traffic and counts the occurrences of attacking hosts with optional blocking.
ipset – Blacklisting large sets
Blacklisting large amounts of IPs, i use this with the iptables “blocked logging” in ABF (AsBraFirewall).
Check yourself
How do you know if your daemons go down? Some use services like pingdom but i’d rather check myself.
2-way encryption with AES 256bit (CBC) in PHP
PHP-Class for encryption of text. I use it for safe storage of information in databases.
OpenVPN Server
Running on Debian 9 Stretch.
Colorizing your Linux commands
The output of some commands are impossible to read, especially a network flow in real time. I’ve collected a few ways to accomplish coloring of keywords.
Apache Server Signature
When Apache cant find the page that you are looking for it says “Not Found” and then it reveals your apache version number and sometimes even the modules that you have enabled. Do you want this?