Finally a solution to this annoying bug
Category: PHP
Linux Container API v4.0
The simple hypervisor for Linux Containers
Shared hosting vs. Containerized hosting
Running a classic web hosting environment with virtual hosts and chroot isolation has been the de facto standard for a long time. Even when using chroot all sites still share the same namespaces for network, users and processes. The Linux kernel has built in support for a set of features called LXC (Linux Containers) which… Continue reading Shared hosting vs. Containerized hosting
Building a RESTful API
API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of functions that allows the creation of applications that access the features or data of a service. A RESTful API uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data.
LXC 2.x Web GUI
LXC is an abbreviation for “Linux Containers“ which is a feature in the linux kernel, it allows you to install multiple Linux installations running on the same kernel. It’s kind of like chroot but much more powerful as it allows for process and network isolation. I’ve seen that there is a fancy web GUI for… Continue reading LXC 2.x Web GUI
Preprocessing with mod_rewrite and PHP
Ever had the need to publish a large set of HTML files, images and javascripts with transparent user management? My first thought was Basic Auth with htpasswd and htgroups, there’s even an SQL extension so this seems like a good solution, right?
Custom Post Type with Taxonomy
Posts and pages are two sides of the same coin, the main difference is that posts (a.k.a blog-posts) are sorted by date and have optional categories or tags, pages do not. Under the hood they are both called post_types but they have been initialized with different parameters. We will be creating our own post type… Continue reading Custom Post Type with Taxonomy
2-way encryption with AES 256bit (CBC) in PHP
PHP-Class for encryption of text. I use it for safe storage of information in databases.
Weird characters when importing SQL to MariaDB
When moving databases between servers there are a few things to consider, one of these things is the charset.
Preventing fraud
We recently got a lot of invoices from sites all over the web, even from sites located outside of Sweden. Someone was mirroring our site using iframes and a similar domain name to ours.